Introduction - Barton Court Grammar School


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BCGS student wins first place in this year’s Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours (RI) Coronation Award. Find out more at:


Barton Court Grammar School Year 8 and 11 students enjoy Art taster lessons on Enrichment Day. Take a look at some of the work produced:


Barton Court students have made the final in The Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours (RI) Coronation Award. Find out more:


Are you able to support Barton Court Grammar School?


Another award for Barton Court which recognises its commitment as a whole school to support resilience and emotional wellbeing. Find out more:


Barton Court recently celebrated the academic achievements of its students at their Awards Evening. Find out more at:


The Charles Dickens School is looking for a Cover Supervisor to join the team in Broadstairs. This role would suit someone who wants to support teaching & learning in a school. Find out more:


It's that time of year again when we are looking for raffle prizes for our Christmas Fayre on 11 December! If you have something you can donate, please email with details. All money raised will go towards the 4 School Charities...


Barton Court Academy Trust is looking for two experienced Finance professionals to join the team based in Canterbury. Find out more: … and


BCGS recently invited the in to speak to our Year 7 - 10 and Year 12 students. They delivered their ‘Think Differently’ School Programme, and discussed issues around vaping, smoking, alcohol, cannabis and Class A drugs. Find out more at:


Looking for a grammar school for your child in September 2025? Have you considered Barton Court Grammar School in the heart of Canterbury? Visit this October:


Barton Court Grammar School students are celebrating today with a great set of GCSE results. Find out more at:


During the last Enrichment Day at Barton Court Grammar School, students took part in an exciting day of employer encounters. Find out more @


Take a look at the fantastic Art work from students at Barton Court Grammar School...


Y12 students recently visited The Royal Society to explore the very latest advances in Science and accessed over 300 scientists at the forefront of their field. The exhibition offers a unique opportunity to explore the science shaping our future with the people making it happen.



BCGS is proud to be open to pupils from all backgrounds. To support this, we work in partnership with Atom Learning who provides students that are eligible for Pupil Premium with free online learning and 11+ exam preparation. Visit:


On 4 May, Barton Court hosted the largest post-COVID chess tournament, adult or junior, in East Kent... the Kent Megafinal. Read more at:


Year 5 Students enjoyed another Taster Morning at BCGS. Read more about it at:


83 of our Year 10 Biology students took part in this year’s UKBC Biology Challenge and competed against 45,400 students across the country. Find out how the students did at


Late in March, students enjoyed our latest careers fair. Thank you to the local businesses and course providers for coming along to inspire our students. Read about the event at:



Thank you to Abbie from , one of our school charities, for coming in last week to talk to our students about the work they do. We are looking forward to continuing to raise lots of money to support their cause.


We're extremely proud of Toral in Y12 who was selected to play for the first ever U18 female Barbarians squad this weekend. The team was selected to play against Rugby School to celebrate 200 years of rugby union. An amazing experience and an excellent achievement.


There's a real & growing concern re how many young people share inappropriate images online, leading to potential exploitation, blackmail & harm from a young age & leaving a lasting digital footprint. If you share it, you're involved. Speak to the DSL team if you've concerns.

Admissions & Enquiries 01227 464600or


Students’ personal development and well-being are outstanding” OFSTED 2014



At Barton Court we pride ourselves on high standards of pastoral care from Y7 through to Y13. Each student is placed into a carefully chosen tutor group upon joining the school, based on the child’s preference, parental preference and advice from the primary school teachers which is sought during our transition program.

The pastoral support structure for each year group is as follows:

House System Structure

The pastoral scheme of work is carefully designed by the Head of Year to cover key issues that are of importance in the year group. This supports the PSHEE provision delivered in bespoke lessons across the academic year, and within religious, philosophy and ethics lessons.


To support pastoral care at Barton Court, we have a strong team of fully trained peer mentors who are fully trained through our involvement with HeadStart Kent to support other students in the school. We are the only Grammar School in the Canterbury District to be chosen for this initiative, which aims to support young people by developing their skills of resilience and perseverance as they take the steps into young adulthood. The school boasts a fully refurbished and staffed ‘Wellbeing’ room in the old school house; this is a specialist room developed and led by our Deputy Senco, which provides a space within school for students to relax and discuss any issues, including strategies to move forward. The wellbeing room also hosts lunchtime mindfulness sessions for students, and provides a space for our 50+ trained peer mentors to be available for drop in sessions during break and lunch. We also have full provision to support the mental wellbeing of our learners, through access to school counsellors and external agencies where required.

Through the pastoral care system, all students can feel supported in order that they are able to self-actualise and fulfil their ambitions.

Full detail of the Headstart project, along with associated resources can be found here:


The excellent relationship between students and their teachers lies at the heart of the School’s success” - OFSTED 2014



A comprehensive PSHEE & SMSC program is delivered via Religious, Philosophy and Ethics lessons, daily tutor periods, Enrichment Days and Enrichment weeks. Over 2 calendared weeks per academic year is given over to enrichment to ensure our students develop wider skills alongside academic excellence. Older students mentor younger students to help with individual subject study, organizational skills, homework and revision. Learning Mentors are also available to support students, if required, with their learning. Specialist staff are available to provide careers advice, health advice and the School does provide an independent counselling service.

 The Form Tutor and Heads of Year are responsible for the care and support of students along with their academic progress by working closely with parents. This positive and effective partnership between home and School is a key strength of Barton Court and ensures that children’s well-being and personal development are outstanding.


There are five houses at Barton Court Grammar School. Each year group is divided into house based tutor groups:

House System

The House system is designed to foster a sense of community and healthy competition. Houses compete in sporting events, charity fundraising and other house competitions throughout the year. Barton Court points gained by students for academic, community and extracurricular excellence are totalled at the end of each year for the house cup, which is presented to the winning house. Each house is led by a member of the leadership team and Sixth Form house captains. The culminates at the end of the year with one house winning the prestigous Barton Court House Cup.