Pupil Premium Pledge, Report & Strategy
Pupil Premium (PP) is available for Schools and Academies to provide additional support for students who fall into one or more of the following categories:
- have received free school meals at any point in the last six years
- are looked-after children
- are children adopted from care
- are children of service personnel.
All Pupil Premium students in Years 7 to 11 are clearly identified on Bromcom, in Departmental Common Markbooks and in the school Core/Data target sheets for each year group
Approximately 12.5% of our students in Years 7 to 11 are PP students which is 17.5% below the National Average. As a school, we have a number of different initiatives in place to further support the learning of PP students. All staff are expected to adhere to our Pupil Premium F1RST initiative, a whole-school initiative which aims to give disadvantaged students priority in all aspects of their education, primarily through classroom teachers targeting those students before any others.
The idea behind Pupil Premium F1RST is a simple one; these disadvantaged students, of whom they may only be one or two in each class, are always looked at first, and given the first opportunity in most or all situations.
Pupil Premium F1RST has little or no additional cost in terms of time or money, but can have a big cumulative impact.
Some of the main strategies are as follows: -
- Books and equipment out: always check PP students have got these ready at the start of the lesson first
- Date and heading in books: always check PP students have done this before anyone else
- Class questioning: always ask PP students first
- Checking understanding: always check PP students before anyone else
- Group presentations: always ensure PP students present first
- Recording homework: always check PP students have written in their homework before any others
- Handing in homework: always check PP students have handed in homework first
- Book marking: always mark PP students’ books first
- Giving Rewards: always reward PP students first
- Choosing volunteers: always choose PP students first
- Contacting Parents / School Communications: always contact PP students’ parents first
- Form tutor monitoring and support: always see PP students first
- Mentoring / 1:1 support: always arrange for PP students first
- Places on Trips: always check PP students have taken up places first
Colleagues who are aware of any other Pupil Premium F1RST strategies that are worth using are encouraged to share these across the school.
If the progress of some students demonstrates a need for additional support we will do our best to offer this, and will work with parents in sharing what can be offered. Our Pupil Premium Strategy statement is available to view on our website and this details all the different approaches that are on offer.
Educational visits and Personal Development Activities are enjoyable and add to the learning students receive inside the classroom. PP students may be eligible for some financial support towards such activities. There will be a limit of supporting the cost for one trip/visit per academic year and this is arranged by the Trust Chief Finance Officer for all PP students across the Trust. We always try our very best to provide financial support if funding is available. Please email your request to the school’s Finance Team.
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